Main » 2015 » October » 19 » Can Puppies Eat Grasshoppers?
2:20 PM
Can Puppies Eat Grasshoppers?

If you own a playful puppy then chances are you’ve had to pull a number of things from his teeth including your favorite pair of shoes, food, your child’s toys, and even a few bugs now and then. If you’re unsure whether or not a certain bug your puppy eats is safe, give your vet Mattoon, IL a call just to double check. Outside puppies, especially, are known for pouncing on and sometimes devouring a butterfly, moth or even a grasshopper. Generally, it is not a big concern should your puppy eat a grasshopper every now and again. However, if you can discourage this behavior you should do so. Grasshoppers themselves are not dangerous; however, some grasshoppers may be covered with pesticides and other poisonous chemicals often sprayed on yards and in gardens. Help your puppy avoid eating bugs while outside by providing him with a dog safe snack or chew toy instead. If you want to know more, visit this link.

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