Main » 2017 » July » 9 » Can Dogs See Colors?
12:33 PM
Can Dogs See Colors?

Can dogs see colors? As a matter of fact, dogs can see colors, but how they perceive colors differs from that of people. Dogs are able to differentiate between yellow, orange, red, or green. They also have the ability to distinguish between several shades of blue and between shades of gray and violet that are not generally discernable to people.  Dogs are also better at seeing in dim light, and can detect even the slightest motion; they are more superior to humans when it comes to these things. They are also able to respond rapidly to an image. Unlike dogs, people can easily discern depth, color, and minute details of objects.

Dogs possess a significant amount of color-sensitive cones in their retina; these make it possible for dogs to see colors.

Dogs are unable to distinguish certain colors because they are not capable of differentiating middle to long wavelengths of light.

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