Main » 2017 » March » 15 » Can Dogs Get Zits?
8:56 AM
Can Dogs Get Zits?

Dogs are very different than we are, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a few things in common. Both humans and dogs can get zits!

Unlike cats that tend to get acne on their chin, dogs can get acne all over their body. Dogs also tend to get zits during puberty, but they usually disappear by the time the animal gets to be about a year old.

However, there are other reasons why dogs may get zits. Some breeds are just more prone to the condition. Irritated hair follicles can cause zits too, so dogs with short hair are more likely to end up with acne.

Dogs can also end up with acne if they begin eating a food that they’re allergic to. Allergies in their environment can also irritate the skin, causing zits.

If your dog has acne, schedule an appointment with your veterinary clinic Colorado Springs, CO. For more information about this, click on the link.

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