Main » 2015 » March » 9 » Calm Small Dog Breeds
5:26 AM
Calm Small Dog Breeds

Small lap dogs have a bad reputation for being extremely energetic and a bit bossy. If you prefer a smaller dog but want to avoid all the hassle, consider one of these calm breeds.

Although so ugly they’re cute, the pug is a great smaller dog breed. They do like to play, but they will happily spend hours with you relaxing on the couch. In general, they don’t mind kids and they don’t mind being around other pets.

The Pekingese can be quite playful, but they also love spending hours sleeping next to their owner. They don’t require a lot of exercise, but they don’t care much for strangers, so this dog is a good option only if you’re not as social as your peers.

A great choice for senior citizens is the Lhasa Apso. They are hypoallergenic and have a calm demeanor, but they need to be groomed regularly.

Call your vet Houston for more information. Or visit this website Animal Emergency Referral West Houston.

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