Main » 2015 » October » 27 » Burmese Gerbils and Stress
11:54 AM
Burmese Gerbils and Stress

The Burmese gerbil is a type of Mongolian gerbil. Your vet South Miami, FL may have told you that caring for a Burmese gerbil involves keeping stress levels to a minimum. Many animals including gerbils use stress as a coping mechanism. Gerbils may use stress to cope with changes in routine, diet, and exercise. It’s best to keep your gerbil’s routine the same as much as possible. If you do notice your gerbil is stressed; however, call your vet. Signs of stress in Burmese gerbils may include a lack of appetite, unusual behavior, and decreased water intake. Your vet can help determine if your gerbil is acting out due to stress or if there is an underlying health concern. Keeping your gerbil’s home clean on a regular basis, feeding him a routine diet daily, keeping his water bottle clean, and providing companionship with other gerbils can help alleviate stress.

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