Main » 2016 » February » 16 » Build for the Cold - The Alaskan Malamute
6:27 PM
Build for the Cold - The Alaskan Malamute

Are you looking for a large, family dog to bring into your home? Do you live in a cold part of the country? If you answered yes to these questions then you may want to check out the Alaskan Malamute. The Malamute is a large dog that was built for the cold. The Malamute can survive in temperatures as cold as 70 degrees below zero. The dog was first discovered in the 1700s in the wilderness of Alaska. Alaskan natives used the dog to pull large and heavy loads over snow and ice. The dogs were also used to hunt. The Malamute has two coats to protect him from the wild elements of the North. The top oily layer wicks away moisture and helps trap heat in the lower wooly layer, which is designed to keep the Malamute warm. The Malamute has bear like paws with claws to grip the ice and tread through snow. Contact your veterinarian Southeast Denver, CO to learn more.

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