Main » 2017 » July » 17 » Bringing your Beagle Puppy Home
9:28 AM
Bringing your Beagle Puppy Home

Are you purchasing or adopting a new Beagle puppy? How exciting! There’s nothing like bringing a new member into the family especially when it’s a four-legged pal. Make sure when you bring your pup home, however, that you’re ready for him. For instance, is your home been puppy proofed? Gates should be up to guard stairways, small toys should be put away, potty pads may need to be set out, and food and water should be ready and available. You should also have your Beagle set up for a first time visit with the vet. A first time visit can establish your pup’s medical history and give your vet a chance to look over your pup and make sure there that your pup is healthy. Vaccinations may also be required depending on where you purchased or adopted the pup. For more information about raising a puppy, call your veterinarian Bolingbrook, IL.

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