Main » 2016 » February » 19 » Birman Cats and Flea Collars
4:15 PM
Birman Cats and Flea Collars

If you want to protect your Birman cat against fleas, but you aren’t sure about putting a liquid flea medicine on your cat once a month then you might want to check into a flea collar. Talk to your vet to find out if your Birman is a candidate for a flea collar. Flea collars are simple to use and last anywhere between 3 to 8 months. Your vet or local pet store associate can help you find a flea collar that’s right for your Birman including what brand, size, and type of flea collar to buy. Don’t forget to ask if you should be using an additional flea preventative with the collar. In general, the flea collar releases a defense mechanism on the neck and shoulder area of your cat. This drives the fleas to the tail where they die and fall off. Contact Oakbrook Animal Hospital for further details.

Views: 454 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Oakbrook Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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