Main » 2017 » July » 24 » Behavior Therapy For Problem Barkers
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Behavior Therapy For Problem Barkers

Dogs suffering from underlying health issues can engage in loud and persistent barking. It may be their way of vocalizing the pain, discomfort, anxiety, and confusion that they are feeling. Bringing your pet to your veterinarian can be an important step in identifying the underlying problem. Dogs suffering from anxiety may be prescribed with short-term medication as they are taught some coping skills.

Sometimes, persistent barking can be a behavior-rooted problem. If you’re not sure what causing your pet’s incessant barking, it’s a good idea to keep a bark diary. Keeping a record of your pet’s barking—when, how long, etc.—may make it possible to see a pattern. If you’re not home during the day, you can ask somebody, probably another member of the family or a neighbor, to record your pet’s barking details or information. This can show your neighbors that you are taking steps to resolve the problem. Some pet owners use voice activated recorders or phone/tablet apps to keep track of their pet’s barking patterns.   

Don’t hesitate to talk to your vet services Plano, TX about your concerns regarding your pet’s behavior.

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