Main » 2018 » March » 30 » Bathing your dog
3:09 PM
Bathing your dog

Your dog needs your help in keeping healthy, and you want to make sure you are able to be there for your little fur ball whenever she needs you. This makes you wonder – how often should you be bathing her?

Your pet need you to take the time to think about what would be ideal for her lifestyle. Many pet owners implement a bathing schedule for their pets, but others find this doesn’t work well for them as their pet gets dirty and needs to be cleaned up on a more sporadic basis. The bottom line is that your pet will need a bath whenever he gets dirty, and you can tell if you are bathing a bit too often by taking a look at his skin. If it is getting dry, you may be depleting the natural oil in his skin by bathing him too often. For more information, please contact your Oconomowoc, WI veterinarian.

Views: 318 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Care center | Rating: 0.0/0
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