Main » 2017 » March » 14 » Bad Breath in Japanese Bobtail Cats
12:33 PM
Bad Breath in Japanese Bobtail Cats

Bad breath can be a turn off in your Japanese Bobtail. Cuddle time and play time aren’t as fun if your cat’s breath is repulsive. Bad breath is a real health condition in cats and is often referred to as halitosis.  It almost always signals another illness that is causing the bad breath. A Japanese Bobtail cat’s bad breath could be caused by a build-up of bacteria in the mouth. The bacteria can be the result of plaque and tartar build-up or it could be due to dental or gum disease. In less frequent instances, bad breath could signal a more serious issue going on in the mouth, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, liver or even the kidneys. Signs of serious conditions may include extensive brown tartar on your cat’s teeth, drooling, lack of appetite, yellow corneas or gums, and pawing at the mouth. In any case, call your reputed pet clinic Aurora CO so that a diagnosis can be made.

Views: 521 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinary clinic Aurora CO, pet clinic Aurora CO | Rating: 5.0/1
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