Main » 2017 » July » 4 » Are Chow Chows Allergic to Ant Bites?
9:27 AM
Are Chow Chows Allergic to Ant Bites?

Ants are a nuisance to animals and people alike. They can cause a lot of trouble for being such tiny little creatures. It’s important to keep an eye on your Chow Chow and other dogs in the home to make sure they don’t get themselves into ants when outdoors. Some dogs may have allergic reactions to ant bites. Symptoms can occur within 20 minutes of the bites or even within 24 to 48 hours of the bite. Signs to look out for include swelling of the area around the bites, hives, or even difficulty breathing. The bites will most likely be found on the belly area of your pup as there is less hair there. To treat ant bites, apply a home remedy paste of mixed water and baking soda to help soothe irritated bites. Keep an eye on your Chow Chow and contact your veterinary clinic Indianapolis, IN if your pup has any type of allergic reaction.

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