Main » 2017 » March » 24 » All About Pet Gerbils
12:19 PM
All About Pet Gerbils

Did you know that the body of a gerbil is very efficient in water conservation? In fact, gerbils have been known to survive by just taking in less than a teaspoon of water. This ability to conserve water enables gerbils to adapt to their natural habitats which are desert biomes.

But gerbil owners should not use this as an excuse for not providing clean and fresh drinking water to their pets every day. Water is an essential nutrient in pets and thus should be provided daily.

Water containers should also be cleaned and refilled on a daily basis. Many pet owners swear by water bottles that can be attached to the cage because they’re easier to keep clean; there is also a lesser possibility of the enclosure’s bedding getting wet or soggy.

Scent glands in gerbils

Male and female gerbils have a scent gland on their belly. It appears like an oval hairless spot that is orange in color. As the gerbils grow in size, so does the gland. The scent gland secretes an oily substance that male gerbils, use to mark objects, as well as claim territories.

If you have any concerns about your pet’s behavior, don’t hesitate to ask your vet Marion, IA.

Views: 444 | Added by: Jessicap | Rating: 0.0/0
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