Main » 2015 » September » 13 » Airborne toxins in your home
7:43 AM
Airborne toxins in your home

Your pets are a special part of your family, and you go out of your way to provide them with a safe home to spend their time. However, this doesn’t mean there aren’t any areas of your pet’s care that can be improved upon. There are many things people don’t think to consider, like the air quality in their home. Your pet is likely much smaller than you are, and many of the airborne toxins in your living environment will impact him more severely than they will impact you. Your little fur ball can inhale anything you spray into the air, and this means that they can impact his health. Cleaning products, perfumes, and pesticides are examples of the items that your pet may be accidentally breathing in. Keep this in mind when you purchase a product, and opt for items that won’t harm your pet. Your local Conway, SC vet can offer additional information. Schedule an appointment today.

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