Main » 2014 » July » 2 » Aggressive Behavior in Dogs: Territorial and Escape Aggression
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Aggressive Behavior in Dogs: Territorial and Escape Aggression

Aggression is a natural instinct in dogs, carried over from their ancestors’ days in the wild. Their aggressive behavior helps create a social hierarchy within the pack as well as protect them from predators.

There are several forms of aggression which have been recognized in dogs. Here are two of the most common types of aggressive behavior in dogs:

Territorial Aggression

Territorial aggression is often displayed to protect the pack’s territory. A dog that is often brought outside for a walk will often include his daily route as his territory by marking some spots.

Territorial aggression may also be displayed to defend the pack from apparent threats. A protective dog displays aggressive behavior toward other animals or people when he recognizes a threat to his owner or other members of the pack.

Territorial aggression may also be displayed with possessions. He will protect anything that he recognizes as his including food, bedding, toys, or affection.

Escape Aggression

Also called fear aggression, a dog that is afraid will often shake and assume an aggressive stance with the ears pulled all the way back on the head and the tail low. He may feel powerless and will put up a fight because he feels trapped in a corner and has no choice but to fight.

This type of aggression may also be triggered by the fear of punishment. Other triggers of fear aggression include walking straight toward a dog, direct eye contact, or making sudden movements.

Asking assistance from your veterinary clinic Thorold will also go a long way in addressing any behavior problem, know more about your pet's needs and set an appointment.

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