Main » 2016 » February » 3 » Aggression in Cats - Dominance Issues
1:17 PM
Aggression in Cats - Dominance Issues

Some cats think they rank higher than their owners in the social hierarchy of the household, making them feel that they are superior to their owners. This can cause them to respond aggressively to contact they did not initiate. He may bite or swipe at the hand of his owner when he starts petting the cat without the cat’s “permission”. The cat may also show his dominance by trying to block his owner’s path to certain areas in the house. A dominant cat may also try to stare down the person, while assuming a characteristic stance—head slightly lowered, lashing tail, and ears flattened.

If your cat engages in aggressive behavior while he is on your lap, slowly stand up so he will gently fall to the floor. If he displays dominant behavior to get your attention, always turn away or ignore his moves. Some owners squirt their errant cats with water from a bottle until he stops displaying aggressive behavior.

You can ask your Omaha NE vet for help regarding important pet issues.

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