Cats scratch themselves. It’s completely normal for them to feel itchy every once in a while! But, what if your cat is scratching so much that he’s causing his hair to fall out?
It’s extremely important to try and figure out what’s causing your cat to scratch so much. If your cat has fleas, he could have a flea allergy that’s causing him to scratch more than he should. In this case, it’s more important than ever to get rid of those fleas.
It’s also possible that there’s something in your cat’s environment that’s causing an allergic reaction. If it’s his food, you’ll have to try an elimination diet. If it’s something in the air, bathing your cat can help get rid of the allergens on his fur.
Your veterinary clinic Pickerington, OH can help too! Just click here to get advice on how to get your cat to stop itching and scratching.
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Cats can be very picky about where they like to be touched. You can scratch under the chin, but not on the belly! You can pet your feline down his back, but don’t mess with his paws! Well, there’s actually a few good reasons to get your cat used to having his feet touched.
Even if your cat doesn’t like it, checking on his feet every now and again can help keep his toes healthy. You can look for things stuck between his paw pads, which is important if your feline friend ventures outside.
Clipping your cat’s nails can keep him from scratching you, but you can only do that if he’s used to having his paws touched! If you don’t want to clip your cat’s nails, your groomer will thank you for desensitizing him to this form of touch before his appointment.
To learn more, click here, or call your veterinary clinic Columbia, MD.
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Fleas are a nightmare for you and your family, but they can be a nightmare for your cat as well. Not only can they make your feline friend uncomfortable, they may even elicit an allergic reaction.
Cats that have fleas are going to be itchy, but a cat that is allergic to fleas will be even itchier than you would expect. That’s because they’re allergic to the flea’s saliva. You can expect a cat with a flea allergy to not only scratch, but bite and chew as well.
If the flea problem isn’t taken care of quickly, your pet will likely lose his hair. He may even develop scabs and sores where his skin is the most irritated.
The best way to eliminate the allergy is to get rid of the fleas. For help getting rid of every last one, click here, or schedule an appointment with your veterinary clinic Bolingbrook, IL.
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Your hamster is as cute as cute can be, and you want to make sure you are able to offer her a treat every now and then. However, you know that hamsters can become overweight quite easily. How can you offer her something to snack on without compromising her diet?
Your pet needs you to think of treats as something to have once in a while instead of something that isn’t very healthy. There are a lot of things you can give your pet that will not only be tasty, but will also add to her nutrient intake. Consider fresh produce, as this can be ideal for this. Simply make sure you are offering an option that is safe for your pet, and that it is clean and cut into manageable pieces. For additional information, please contact your local Cameron Park, CA vet.
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Your hamster is a wonderful little fur ball, and you want her to be able to call your home a wonderful place to be. How can you set up her enclosure so she will really enjoy living there?
Your hamster will need an enclosure that is large enough to house everything she needs to be comfortable and healthy. This will mean taking the time to determine the best options to meet her needs in addition to taking the time to purchase them and set them up in her cage. This should include a natural bedding material, and a place for her to get a drink and some food. She will need something to chew on, and some things to play with. Consider her personality, and determine if she needs more than just one area to get some solitude in, or if one house area will do the job well. For additional information, please
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