Bad breath in dogs is not just something you need to accept as a fact of life. Bad breath is often a sign of dental disease. Work with your dog at an early age to develop a tooth-cleaning regimen. Clean your dog’s teeth at least twice a week. Provide fun chew toys to play with to keep remove plaque build-up. There are a number of commercially available gels, mints and water supplements to help keep your dog’s breath fresh. Some simply mask the odors whereas others work to reduce plaque. Opt for the latter products. Bacteria that cause bad breath can also get in your dog’s bloodstream and lead to dangerous medical conditions so it is essential to keep your dog’s mouth clean. Even with the best of home care you will need to make an appointment with your Pet Clinic Myrtle Beach SC to schedule a professional dental cleaning.
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Himalayan rabbits and other rabbit breeds are prone to various health issues including joint disease. Talk with your vet about different illnesses and conditions that you should look out for in your Himalayan rabbit. It’s common for rabbits to develop arthritis or inflammation of the joints as they age. However, some Himalayan rabbits develop a more severe case of arthritis called Osteoarthritis or Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD). DJD is a long-term disease that occurs when the cartilage surrounding the muscle joints slowly deteriorates. This disease can only be diagnosed by your vet. A full assessment of past symptoms as well as a current physical exam will be required. The exam will typically reveal a decreased range of motion, stiffness in the legs, deformity in the joints, and swelling or pain in the joints. X-rays or an analysis of the fluids in the joints may also be ordered by your vet Bowmanville, ON
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Did you know that there are a handful of dog breeds that actually do not bark? The Basenji is one such breed. His larynx is shaped much differently than most other dogs. The air that pushes through creates a yodeling or crowing sound instead of barking. This quiet breed originated in ancient Africa. The breed was brought up the Nile River to Egypt where it was presented as a gift to the Pharaohs. The Basenji has cat-like characteristics. He’s quiet, small, and has an aloof personality. He bonds with others, but not too many. He is independent and a self groomer. The Basenji hunts large prey like lions using both his sense of sight and sound unlike other dogs that use one sense. The Basenji has a powerful bite. He is small yet can grow to weigh 20 to 26 pounds and stand 15 to 17 inches high. Talk with your veterinarian Bowmanville, ON to learn more.
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Do you own a Champagne ferret? If so then you probably know just how active these little creatures are. Ferrets, in general, love to play, explore, and get into all kinds of things. Their desire to know what’s going on and to carefully exam almost all objects they came across can create the perfect opportunity for injury. If you notice your Champagne ferret has excessive crustiness around his eyes, water eyes, abnormal eye discharge, cloudy eyes, protruding or bulging eyes, red or irritated eyes, call your vet. These symptoms could be from an eye injury. Eye injuries can have a variety of causes including trash or debris in the eye. Your veterinary clinic Oshawa, ON may have you check your ferret’s eye for signs of debris or even an eye lash. If you find something, you may be instructed to flush the eye in order to remove the object.
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Did you know the Basenji is a dog breed that acts more like a cat than a dog? The Basenji dog doesn’t even bark! The larynx of the Basenji is shaped differently from other dogs. When air passes through the larynx it produces a yodeling or crowing like sound instead of a bark. Although there is no bark, the Basenji can bite and hunt. In fact, the Basenji is used by the Pygmies in Central Africa to hunt lions and other prey. Unlike other dogs who hunt either with their sense of smell or their sense of sight, the Basenji hunts with both smell and sight making him one of the top hunters. The Basenji is also one of the oldest breeds in the world. He originated in ancient Egypt and can be seen pictured in Egyptian hieroglyphics and other artworks. Talk with your vet Oshawa, ON for more details.
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Fanconi Syndrome is a disease of the kidneys. It is prevalent among dog breeds such as the Basenji. In the 1980s the Fanconi Syndrome nearly wiped out the Basenji population in the U.S. In fact, breeders traveled to Africa to bring back Basenji dogs in order to breed out the genetic disorder. Today, those interested in purchasing a Basenji are encouraged to make sure they are working with a reputable breeder. DNA testing for the disorder is a must to prevent the spread. The syndrome itself is a disorder in which the tubules of the kidney are unable to reabsorb electrolytes and nutrients, but instead; leak them back into the urine. This can cause excessive drinking, urinating and glucose in the sugar. The syndrome generally shows up in dogs between the ages of four and eight. It can occur as early as two and as late as twelve. Contact your veterinarian Oshawa, ON for more details.
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