Eating rocks is a common habit among puppies that should never be tolerated. Chomping on stone can break or chip your pet's tooth; swallowing a rock can possibly lead to obstruction and eventually a series of health problems that may mean expensive veterinary bills for x-rays, laboratory tests, and surgery.
If your pup loves running for the rocks once you let him out on the yard, be sure to keep a close eye on him. Try taking steps to make rocks or stones unpleasant to your pet by spraying taste-deterrents on the ones in your backyard or those that line your walking route.
Some pet owners place a muzzle over their dog's mouth and nose to keep their pet from getting a rock in the mouth.
Ask your Floyds Knob, IN vet clinic regarding important pet issues. You can get more information here.
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Dogs suffering from separation anxiety have usually developed a very strong bond or have become overly attached or dependent on their owners or a member of the family. When separated from their owners, they can become extremely nervous and anxious, and displaying distress behaviors such as persistent barking, potty accidents, destructive behavior, or inactivity.
Signs of separation anxiety start to be displayed as the owners prepare to leave. Some dogs pant profusely, refuse to eat, salivate, eliminate, and may become destructive. Some become quiet and withdrawn. These dogs usually become extremely excited with the return of their owner.
The problem is addressed using the same process used in reducing all types of anxiety. Steps are taken to desensitize a dog to the routine before the owner leaves, at the actual time of departure, and upon the return of the owner. The dog must lear
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Cats need to have their ears cleaned regularly to prevent buildup of ear wax. Thus it is important for cat parents to learn how to clean a cat's ears properly to avoid inflicting injury to the sensitive issues of the ears. Just like any grooming regimen, it is important for pet cats to get used to the process while still very young so they will keep still while their ears are being cleaned. It also helps to make each ear cleaning session a positive experience with lots of positive reinforcement including lavish praise and your pet's favorite treats.
Ear cleaning sessions are also excellent opportunities to check your pet's ears for mites, wounds, lumps, and abnormal discharges that needs prompt veterinary attention.
Some feline breeds such as Persian cats are more predisposed to ‘otitis externa' (an inflammatory infection affecting the external ear canal).
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While most cats instinctively use a litter box when they are introduced to one, it is important to help a new kitten start on the right ‘paw'. If you are planning to bring home a kitten, try to get one that has already been litter-trained in his previous home. Litter-trained kittens are observed to adapt more quickly to a new environment than one that has not been trained.
Before the new kitten arrives, make sure to prepare all the essentials to prevent last minute hassles. Find out what type of litter he has been using in his previous home and get the same type so he won't have to adjust to a new one, which can only add to the stress of getting used to a new home.
Place the litter box in a room that has been prepared for the kitten's arrival. Since your new furball will be staying in this room for the first few days, make sure all the things that he needs have al
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Many owners love having a warm and cuddly pet sleeping in their beds with them. However, some experts discourage this practice for the following reasons:
- In the wild, the alpha dog sleeps on a higher elevation than the members of the pack. Letting your dog sleep with you may give rise to dominance issues and may cause your dog to treat you as an equal and not the leader of the pack.
- Another concern is hygiene. Some health problems can be transmitted from pets to humans. If your pet is harboring fleas and ticks, there is a big possibility these parasites will feed on you. Your bed (and you!) may also end up a mess especially if your pet is not yet housetrained.
- Some people may think that these concerns are often blown out of proportion, however, what pet owners should know is that there are people who experienced some of these pr
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