Main » 2015 » September » 19

Wool sucking and chewing is considered one form of obsessive-compulsive disorder in cats. The most common cause of the behavior is lack of socialization early in life. Being separated from the mother at a very early age is also an important predisposing factor.

Even after weaning, a kitten may suck on wool, a human ear or finger, or another cat to seek comfort. Cats remember suckling at their mother’s teat as a pleasurable experience, and when they are feeling anxious or stressed, they find comfort in sucking substitutes. Some cats suck on a part of their body.

In most cases, wool sucking is an emotional habit. However, there are rare instances when it is caused by pica, where a cat eats substances that are not considered food in an effort to satisfy specific dietary deficiency that he is experiencing.

While it is not really a harmful beha ... Read more »

Views: 572 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 09.19.2015 | Comments (0)

Contrary to popular notion, the temperature and/or presence of moisture in a dog’s nose is not necessarily a reliable indicator of anything. Healthy dogs may have warm or dry noses, while some sick dogs still possess a cold, wet nose.

Dogs lick their noses to keep them cold and wet. However, if your dog’s dry or warm nose is accompanied by other signs of illness, such as vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and more, you should call your Jacksonville Beach, FL vet. If your dog’s nose feels hot to your touch, try checking his temperature.

There are health problem that can affect a dog’s nose, making it appear abnormal. Serious skin problems can cause a dog’s nose to become very dry and cracked. Dogs affected by allergies can have a potentially dry nose that is cracking. Dogs can also get sunburned too. Click on this ... Read more »

Views: 585 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 09.19.2015 | Comments (0)

If you think you already know everything about your canine buddy, well, think again. Here are some surprising facts about dogs that may have escaped your attention:

  • There’s a reason why your 2- year old toddler and your pet dog get along so well. They likely understand about the same number of words and gestures (about 250).
  • Dogs are creatures of habit and they also possess an excellent sense of time. Your pooch will know when it’s time for a walk or mealtime. They can also pick up on their owners’ routines.
  • Dogs drink water by bending the tip of their tongue and raising liquid in a column up into their mouth.
  • A dog’s whiskers act like sensors, helping the animal maneuver his way around in the dark by detecting subtle changes in air currents. He will be able to know the si ... Read more »
Views: 516 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 09.19.2015 | Comments (0)