Main » 2015 » May » 12

Chinchillas are fun, friendly, and social creatures that can bring you and your family a lot of joy. However, there are some problem chinchilla behaviors that you will want to be aware of before bringing one home.

Because chinchillas are prey animals, they can be easily scared. This often results in bolting behavior, which can make it difficult to remove your chinchilla from his cage. To reduce this behavior, find out what is causing his anxiety and remove the stressor.

If you have more than one chinchilla, you might notice that one of your furry friends can get aggressive. He may pull out hair or bite the other chinchilla. To get him to stop, make a loud noise and he’ll freeze so you can redirect his behavior.

To learn more about these and other troublesome behaviors, contact your veterinarian NW L ... Read more »

Views: 484 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.12.2015 | Comments (0)

If you’re considering the possibility of keeping chickens on your property, consider the Bantam!

Bantam chickens are especially effective in urban environments or for people who don’t want to commit a large area of the lawn to chickens. They only require a third of the space that regular chickens do. In addition, because of their small size, they don’t require as much food either, which means you’ll save money too.

These chickens produce eggs, although they are quite small. They are also very docile, making them great companion animals.

There are many different kinds of Bantam chickens, which means they come in a wide variety of colors. Some of their feathers even grow in different directions, making them look fluffy!

Want to learn more about what it’s like to keep Bantam chicken ... Read more »

Views: 1192 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.12.2015 | Comments (0)

Rabbits can live for many years with the right care. Here are some senior rabbit care tips to keep your aging bunny comfortable.

Some older bunnies may have a difficult time getting around. In this case, consider removing ramps or place your rabbit in a single-level cage. Hopping into litter pans may also pose a challenge, so consider removing the pan and cleaning out the corner each day instead.

Because elderly rabbits frequently drag their back legs, they can quickly become soaked in waste, which isn’t healthy or comfortable for your furry friend. Give your rabbit bottom baths or consider shaving the fur off of your rabbit’s hind legs.

Try not to separate your elderly rabbit from other rabbits in his old age. Other rabbits can help him groom and provide him with much-needed companionship.

To mak ... Read more »

Views: 536 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.12.2015 | Comments (0)









Keeping your hamster’s cage clean is essential to his overall health. How often should you clean up after a hamster?

In general, hamsters will regularly eliminate in the same corner of their cage until it’s too soiled to use. To encourage this behavior, clean up the corner every single day. You can even purchase a small litter box in order to make cleanup even easier.

No matter what your hamster’s potty habits, you should strive to clean the entire cage at least once a week. You may have to consider cleaning out the substrate in the cage more often if you have more than one hamster.

If your hamster makes a mess by dumping out his food or spilling water from his water bottle, you should clean ... Read more »

Views: 426 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.12.2015 | Comments (0)



Keeping your hamster’s cage clean is essential to his overall health. How often should you clean up after a hamster?

In general, hamsters will regularly eliminate in the same corner of their cage until it’s too soiled to use. To encourage this behavior, clean up the corner every single day. You can even purchase a small litter box in order to make cleanup even easier.

No matter what your hamster’s potty habits, you should strive to clean the entire cage at least once a week. You may have to consider cleaning out the substrate in the cage more often if you have more than one hamster.

If your hamster makes a mess by dumping out his food or spilling water from his water bottle, you should clean up the substrate right away. For more tips, visit with your vet Orangevale, C ... Read more »

Views: 546 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.12.2015 | Comments (0)







There are many myths surrounding cats that simply aren’t true. Here are some of the most popular myths and the truth behind them.

Cats are often considered to have nine lives. Technically, this isn’t true. This myth became popular because cats are known for getting out of difficult situations.

Although cats are more likely to purr when they are happy, this isn’t always the case. There is still some debate about what cat purring really means because some cats use is as a calming mechanism when they’re in pain.

Because cats are known to terrorize the house while you’re asleep, many people believe that they are nocturnal. However, cats are actually crepuscular, which means that they are most active ... Read more »

Views: 449 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.12.2015 | Comments (0)
















There are many myths surrounding cats that simply aren’t true. Here are some of the most popular myths and the truth behind them.

Cats are often considered to have nine lives. Technically, this isn’t true. This myth became popular because cats are known for getting out of difficult situations.

Although cats are more likely to purr when they are happy, this isn’t always the case. There is still some debate about what cat purring really means because some cats use is as a calming mechanism when they’re in pain.

Because cats are known to terrorize the house while you&rsqu ... Read more »

Views: 438 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.12.2015 | Comments (0)



There are many myths surrounding cats that simply aren’t true. Here are some of the most popular myths and the truth behind them.

Cats are often considered to have nine lives. Technically, this isn’t true. This myth became popular because cats are known for getting out of difficult situations.

Although cats are more likely to purr when they are happy, this isn’t always the case. There is still some debate about what cat purring really means because some cats use is as a calming mechanism when they’re in pain.

Because cats are known to terrorize the house while you’re asleep, many people believe that they are nocturnal. However, cats are actually crepuscular, which means that they are most active at dusk and dawn.

Cats don’t always land on t ... Read more »

Views: 439 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.12.2015 | Comments (0)


















There are many myths surrounding cats that simply aren’t true. Here are some of the most popular myths and the truth behind them.

Cats are often considered to have nine lives. Technically, this isn’t true. This myth became popular because cats are known for getting out of difficult situations.

Although cats are more likely to purr when they are happy, this isn’t always the case. There is still some debate about what cat purring really means because some cats use is as a calming mechanism when they’re in pain.

Because cats are known to terr ... Read more »

Views: 417 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.12.2015 | Comments (0)







There are many myths surrounding cats that simply aren’t true. Here are some of the most popular myths and the truth behind them.

Cats are often considered to have nine lives. Technically, this isn’t true. This myth became popular because cats are known for getting out of difficult situations.

Although cats are more likely to purr when they are happy, this isn’t always the case. There is still some debate about what cat purring really means because some cats use is as a calming mechanism when they’re in pain.

Because cats are known to terrorize the house while you’re asleep, many people believe that they are nocturnal. However, cats are actually crepuscular, which means that they are most active ... Read more »

Views: 408 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.12.2015 | Comments (0)












There are many myths surrounding cats that simply aren’t true. Here are some of the most popular myths and the truth behind them.

Cats are often considered to have nine lives. Technically, this isn’t true. This myth became popular because cats are known for getting out of difficult situations.

Although cats are more likely to purr when they are happy, this isn’t always the case. There is still some debate about what cat purring really means because some cats use is as a calming mechanism when they’re in pain.

Because cats are known to terrorize the house while you’re asleep, many people believe that they are nocturnal. Ho ... Read more »

Views: 417 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.12.2015 | Comments (0)





















There are many myths surrounding cats that simply aren’t true. Here are some of the most popular myths and the truth behind them.

Cats are often considered to have nine lives. Technically, this isn’t true. This myth became popular because cats are known for getting out of difficult situations.

Although cats are more likely to purr when they are happy, this isn’t always the case. There is still some debate about what cat purring really means because some cats use is as a calming mechanism when they’re in ... Read more »

Views: 449 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.12.2015 | Comments (0)