Main » 2015 » May » 12 » Caring for a Senior Rabbit
10:55 AM
Caring for a Senior Rabbit

Rabbits can live for many years with the right care. Here are some senior rabbit care tips to keep your aging bunny comfortable.

Some older bunnies may have a difficult time getting around. In this case, consider removing ramps or place your rabbit in a single-level cage. Hopping into litter pans may also pose a challenge, so consider removing the pan and cleaning out the corner each day instead.

Because elderly rabbits frequently drag their back legs, they can quickly become soaked in waste, which isn’t healthy or comfortable for your furry friend. Give your rabbit bottom baths or consider shaving the fur off of your rabbit’s hind legs.

Try not to separate your elderly rabbit from other rabbits in his old age. Other rabbits can help him groom and provide him with much-needed companionship.

To make sure that your rabbit is healthy, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian Centennial Hills, NV.

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