Main » 2015 » May » 09

Like humans, puppies also grow two sets of teeth—the first set (baby or deciduous teeth) start to erupt from the gums when the animal is between 3-6 weeks of age; the permanent set of teeth starts to come out at around 4 months of age, as the baby teeth fall off gradually.

Teething is very uncomfortable, so puppies seek relief by chewing on anything they can get their mouths on. When puppies are between 8-12 weeks of age, they are weaned from their mother and are brought to new homes. At this time, the first set of teeth is complete, and will soon begin to fall out as the puppies reach 4 months of age and gradually replaced by permanent teeth. When this happens, the pups experience teething pain and discomfort all over again. This is the reason new pet owners have to deal with a puppy’s chewing behavior. Since your pet won’t know which things are safe to chew and which are not, it is your responsibil ... Read more »

Views: 455 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.09.2015 | Comments (0)

Cats can suffer from heat stroke especially during summer when the environment can get very hot. Here are some ways to keep your kitty cool as temperatures continue to soar:

  • Make your home as cool and comfortable as possible by drawing the curtains across the windows and setting the air conditioning on low.
  • ... Read more »
Views: 479 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.09.2015 | Comments (0)

Some dogs love sleeping on the sofa or on their owner’s bed even if they have their own comfortable doggie beds. This can be downright annoying to owners who find themselves repeatedly asking their pets to get down.

While chairs and beds are extremely comfortable making them excellent places to sleep and spend the day in, dogs that hang out on these places may also be trying to display dominance.

During their ancestors’ days in the wild, the leader of the pack always sleeps on higher ground. This behavior is still very much present among feral or wild dogs and even in packs of wolves.

By allowing your dog to sleep on your favorite chair or bed, you are telling him that he is your equal. Some dogs even view this as your acceptance of his dominance. This will eventually lead to other forms of dominant behavior, including aggression.

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Views: 532 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.09.2015 | Comments (0)

Ear mites inhabit the outer ears and ear canals of infected cats. There are many species of these crab-like parasites that affect cats but Otodectes cynotis is the most common one found in about 90% of ear mite infestations.

Here are some important things you need to know about feline ear mites:

  • They are generally not detectable to the naked eye thus a veterinarian will use an otoscope to inspect your cat’s ears for their presence.
  • Without proper veterinary attention and treatment, ear mite infestation can lead to secondary bacterial infection, thus you should bring your pet to the vet the soonest possible time.
  • Humans cannot catch ear mites from an infected cat but other animals are susceptible.
  • The life cycle (the period from egg to adult) of ... Read more »
Views: 464 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.09.2015 | Comments (0)