Main » 2015 » May » 9 » Does Your Kitty Have Ear Mites?
11:51 AM
Does Your Kitty Have Ear Mites?

Ear mites inhabit the outer ears and ear canals of infected cats. There are many species of these crab-like parasites that affect cats but Otodectes cynotis is the most common one found in about 90% of ear mite infestations.

Here are some important things you need to know about feline ear mites:

  • They are generally not detectable to the naked eye thus a veterinarian will use an otoscope to inspect your cat’s ears for their presence.
  • Without proper veterinary attention and treatment, ear mite infestation can lead to secondary bacterial infection, thus you should bring your pet to the vet the soonest possible time.
  • Humans cannot catch ear mites from an infected cat but other animals are susceptible.
  • The life cycle (the period from egg to adult) of ear mites is about 21 days. Since many pet owners are unable to detect infestation until signs are more pronounced, cats may be infested with thousands of mites before it is brought to the attention of the vet.

Bringing your pet to the Columbia, MD vet will help ensure prompt treatment. Check out this website for more pet care information.

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