Your vet is not just someone to take your pet to when there is a medical problem with your pet.
Vets prefer to do regular checkups on your pet as a means of preventive measures against more serious problems that could arise.
Any indications or symptoms that your pet may be showing should not be taken lightly. Animals are very resilient to many things, but there are some medical issues that they cannot avoid and over time, it will get worse.
Good pet ownership is to not procrastinate with your pet’s overall good health. Just like people, pets can get sick and need animal medications and more care.
In order to find out more about this, follow this link to the website for the veterinary clinic River Oaks.
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The amount of a dog’s daily ration is influenced by several important factors. These include your dog’s age, body build, and even the amount of exercise he gets every day. Dog food products often have a table of recommendations that will serve as a guide.
As a rule of thumb, the best way is to feed accordingly—feed by sight. If it seems your dog is carrying excess pounds, slowly reduce the amount of food by about 20-30% for a week or two until your dog regains his desired weight. If your dog is too thin, gradually increase your pet’s daily intake by 10-20% until he has regained some pounds. For health reasons, it is best to have a dog that is a “bit ribby” than an obese one.
If you really want to be sure, you can seek advice from your vet regarding the amount of food your dog should receive each day.
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Did you know that catnip is actually derived from the mint family of herbs?
A chemical reaction happens in your cat’s brain when it smells catnip, and it is a wonderful experience for them, hence the attraction.
People do not smell anything special when sniffing at catnip, but to a cat, the aroma is so overpowering, it would be like taking wads of spearmint toothpaste and wedging it up your nose…not that you should try it anytime soon…you probably want to keep your nose in mint condition, but that’s not how you do it.
Catnip is intoxicating and pleasurable for a cat. It will lick and roll around in the catnip.
A great way to give your cat its catnip is to rub some all o
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Pretty much all cats have very thin hairs in their ears that, when you try to touch them, it causes your cat to instinctively flick its head to get rid of the nuisance (your hand).
You may ask why they do this.
Cats use these little thin hairs to enhance their senses of hearing greatly. These hairs are SO sensitive that if anything comes even remotely close to them, the cat flicks its head to eliminate the distraction. This “distraction” usually translates to flying insects and such, but your hand is on that list as well.
So, avoid trying to touch these hairs. If you actually do manage to touch these hairs, and you, say, pull one out by accident…this can actually reduce your cat’s sharp hearing abilities, as your cat relies on those hairs to help it hear so well.
If you are interested in learning more, browse the content of
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Cats and dogs alike should only be corrected verbally, never physically.
Besides hurting your cat’s feelings and confusing it, any form of physical aggression from you will harm your cat and could cause serious health problems.
Cats do not look it, but they can easily develop internal injuries from being kicked or slapped.
Physical pain directed at a cat from its owner can also induce anxiety and a nervous disposition.
Teach your cat to understand simple words and use tones of voice appropriate to what you are trying to convey.
Once your cat understands your scolding voice and words associated with being in trouble, it will behave more positively.
You can learn more by reading further into this site of the vet Cheney.
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Kids are not the only ones that would thoroughly enjoy running through a water sprinkler on a hot summer’s day…your dog would, too.
Imagine having to wear a fur coat on a hot day. Wouldn’t a water sprinkler look absolutely great? Yes, dogs can cool themselves by panting, but a steady blast of cold water would feel great.
That is not the best part though…
Your dog would also see this as a new way of playing. It would chase the water, bite at it, and dodge the water, and this is a great way to exercise your dog when you feel it is too hot outside to go for a long walk.
Read more on this matter by sliding by this website for the veterinarian Orleans County for a bit to do some research.
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