Main » 2014 » July » 25

If you (or someone else) has angered your cat, and you see your cat’s back arch up like the Arc D’ Triomphe, then you need to defuse the situation quickly, as that is a cat’s final warning before it attacks something or someone.

When a cat arches its back, it is not just to indicate extreme anger or extreme fright…doing this also makes the cat appear larger and more intimidating, as this is usually done in tangent with a cat’s ears being very far back, and its fur standing on end…a cat looks quite deranged when it is in this position usually.

So, to avoid your cat doing this, try to keep your cat away from situations that could cause a cat to initiate this form of self-defence, and if you do, everything will be fine!

Go to this site for the vet Roswell to learn more about this.

Views: 505 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.25.2014 | Comments (0)

Cats have instincts to eat grass to aid in coughing up fur balls. Grass is not readily available to indoor cats, so sometimes they will improvise.

Yarn or wool, string or anything resembling a grass-like substance, will look very good to your cat and the danger is present if your cat takes in too much of the wrong thing.

Providing your cat with cat grass is the best alternative. It is exactly what it needs to get those unwanted fur balls up.

Cat grass is a certain texture, designed to emulate real grass, so if you are thinking of getting some regular grass from your lawn, you can research what cat grass looks and feels like and attempt to obtain grass as similar to cat grass as possible.

Go ahead and visit this website for the vet South Boston to find more information about this.

Views: 467 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.25.2014 | Comments (0)