Main » 2015 » February » 24 » Can You Hold a Hedgehog?
11:11 AM
Can You Hold a Hedgehog?

Although hedgehogs may be spiky, they can tolerate handling, especially once they are tame. Quills that cover their backs and sides are relaxed and pointing backward when the hedgehog is calm and comfortable.  You won’t really have a problem as long as you don’t push against the tips of the quills. However, the quills may all stand out when the animal feels threatened. It will curl into a tight ball to protect his head and belly which does not have any spiny quills. Trying to handle a scared or angry hedgehog will surely be a prickly experience.

Hedgehogs, like people, possess different personalities. The degree by which a hedgehog tolerates being held or cuddled will highly depend on his personality. While some like to snuggle up to their owners, others prefer to explore and move about, or find a quiet corner to nap. 

There are about 7000 quills that cover the back and sides of a hedgehog. Although these quills are pretty sharp, they are not barbed like a porcupine’s quills.

Know more about how to take care of your pet's needs by visiting your Doylestown animal hospital. Check out this link to find out more.

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