Main » 2015 » February » 8 » Wing Trimming of Pet Birds
2:04 AM
Wing Trimming of Pet Birds

Some pet birds need to have their wings trimmed to keep them from flying. Although this is a common practice of many bird owners, improper wing trimming can have its consequences.

The part of the feather which is usually trimmed involves the primary feathers, which are the ones located on the end part of the wings. Between smaller and large bird species, the former benefits from having more primary feathers trimmed. Over-trimming of primary feathers of large birds will inhibit them from gliding smoothly to the ground; and they usually end up hurting themselves.

Contrary to what most people think, trimming a bird’s wing does not make it incapable of flight; it only reduces and/or eliminates the thrust needed for a bird to takeoff smoothly.

As a rule of thumb, smaller birds will need to have the last 10 of their primary feathers trimmed, while it’s the last five primary feathers for larger bird species. This can help prevent them from flying and possibly escaping through an open door or window.

Bring your pet bird to a Turlock veterinary clinic for a regular wellness check. Visit this website to know more about your pet's needs.

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