Main » 2015 » July » 15 » What to Look for in a Chinchilla
8:57 AM
What to Look for in a Chinchilla

Owning a chinchilla can be a fun adventure for you and your family. If you’re sure you can afford a chinchilla and can spend adequate time bonding and playing with your chinchilla then you should consider purchasing or adopting one. Your veterinarian North Las Vegas, NV can help you choose and may even suggest a local shelter, store, or individual to buy from. Before committing to a 10 to 15 year time span with a chinchilla, ask yourself if you have the time to spend with the little guy each day. Chinchillas need interaction, exercise, and things to keep them busy and amused. If you can provide this then you’ll be on your way. In addition, the chinchilla you are looking for should be bright, alert, moving around without limping or hesitation, easy to hold and handle, and overall friendly. Ask your vet to take a look at him as well.

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