Main » 2015 » July » 5 » What Do Goats Eat?
11:44 AM
What Do Goats Eat?

Goats make great farm animals! Not only do they offer companionship, but they also offer milk, which can be turned into a wide variety of products. However, if you’ve never owned a goat before, you’re probably wondering what to feed her.

Goats are vegetarians, which means they like to graze. However, unlike cows, goats don’t like to chomp on grass all the way to the root. Instead, goats prefer trees, bushes, and woody weeds, but these items aren’t enough to sustain your goat.

In addition to allowing your goat to graze, you’ll also want to provide him with hay, especially during colder weather when plants aren’t as hardy. You should also supplement your goat’s diet with grains. By feeding your pet the right food, she’ll provide you with great milk!

For more feeding advice, contact your veterinary clinic Benson, NC.

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