Main » 2015 » July » 10 » Ways Pocket Pets Display Submissive Behavior
3:31 AM
Ways Pocket Pets Display Submissive Behavior

Social hierarchy is also observed among pocket pets, thus people can see some the ‘underdogs’ displaying signs of submission to the more dominant ones in the group. Here are ways pocket pets show dominance and submission:

Guinea Pigs

Mounting behavior is a way to establish dominance in cavies. The dominant one mounts the submissive cavy, regardless of sex. Fights usually ensue when a male cavy tries to mount another male cavy in his bid for dominance.


When a submissive hamster is chased by a dominant one, the former one stands up when cornered so that the dominant hamster can lick his belly. Submissive hamsters may also scream or flip on their backs.


A rabbit shows submission by crouching down, and trying to make himself as small as possible.

Asking assistance from your Stoughton, MA veterinary clinic will also go a long way in addressing any behavior problem. Click here to know more about your pet's needs and set an appointment.

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