Main » 2015 » July » 13 » Urine Scald in Gerbils
8:28 AM
Urine Scald in Gerbils

If you own a gerbil then you’re probably aware of how often you have to clean your gerbil’s cage and change out his bedding. If you’re not sure how often to clean his cage, just ask your vet Souderton, PA. He can help you determine when to clean the cage and how often to change the bedding. He may also warn you about possible urine scald in gerbils. Urine scald occurs when gerbils are left to sit in their own wet bedding for long periods of time. Their bodies tend to soak up the wet or the urine, which can cause irritation, inflammation, and even burns on the underside and private areas of your gerbil. If this happens, call your vet. He will most likely prescribe a topical cream to soothe the skin and relieve pain. It’s recommended that a gerbil’s cage be cleaned at least once a week or more often if you have multiple gerbils.

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