Main » 2015 » May » 8 » Training an Outdoor Cat to Use the Litter Box
12:16 PM
Training an Outdoor Cat to Use the Litter Box




If you’ve decided to bring your outdoor cat indoors permanently, you can expect your cat to live a longer, healthier life. Unfortunately, making the adjustment to using the litter box can be quite a challenge.

Set up a litter box in a comfortable and quiet area of your home. Instead of placing litter in the box, fill the box with potting soil or sand. Show the box to your cat and give him a treat for spending time in the box. You may have to keep bringing your cat back to the box every hour or so until he finally uses it.

As your cat gets used to using the litter box, slowly start replacing some of the dirt or sand with cat litter. Eventually, you can replace all the dirt and just use litter instead. For more tips, visit with your vet Austin, TX.

Views: 445 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarians austin tx | Rating: 0.0/0
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