Main » 2015 » July » 4 » Strictly Indoor Cats
4:43 AM
Strictly Indoor Cats

Many cat parents make the decision to confine their pet indoors to protect them from predators and health problems. A cat that is allowed to venture outdoors regularly may take time to transition to a strictly indoor life. The process may not be that easy especially if your kitty has spent a good part of his life exploring the outdoors. However, with lots of patience and training, transition is possible.

A cat that is allowed outdoors tends to roam to hunt for prey or follow female pheromones during the mating season. Studies have shown that indoor-outdoor cats often cover more ground when they roam compared to farm cats.

Even if you think that your kitty won’t stray far from home, there are still lots of potential risks that he can get exposed to while being outside. If the call of the outdoors seems to be so strong, you can take him on leash walks or allow him to taste a slice of the doors by building a screened enclosure.

Bring your kitty to your Meridian, ID animal clinic for regular wellness checks. Find out more here.

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