Main » 2015 » July » 15 » Rabbit Harnesses
9:38 AM
Rabbit Harnesses

Rabbits can make great pets and companions for a lot of people. Rabbits are smart and intelligent creatures that can often be trained to do a variety of things including walk on a leash. Just ask your veterinarian North Las Vegas, NV. Rabbits can be trained to walk on a leash and even wear a walking harness similar to the harnesses used for dogs. Please note that neck collars are not safe for rabbits as they can cause severe damage to a rabbit’s neck and spine. Always use a rabbit harness when walking your rabbit. If he spooks and pulls or runs, the harness will hold him back instead of applying pressure to his neck and spine like a collar. Your vet can help you determine the right size and fit of a harness and leash for your rabbit. Most rabbit harnesses are available at large chain pet stores. More details here.

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