Main » 2015 » July » 30 » Pros of Owning Multiple Dogs
10:05 AM
Pros of Owning Multiple Dogs

If you own one dog and you think he may be lonely or in need of a companion, talk to your veterinary clinic San Francisco, CA. Your dog may be exhibiting signs of an illness or he may in fact need a companion. There are many pros to owning more than one dog. For instance, if your first dog develops a fear of walking on hardwood floors or a fear of thunder storms then a companion dog may help. One Pomeranian owner reported that her pup suddenly stopped walking on hardwood floors. The dog acted scared and refused to leave the carpet. When a second Pomeranian was brought into the home, the first one forgot her fears and began following the other one around. Multiple dogs are also a plus if you have to work long hours away from home. Your dogs will have each other’s company instead of being alone. For more ideas, click here.

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