Main » 2015 » May » 29 » Myths about Heartworms
1:36 PM
Myths about Heartworms

Because heartworms aren’t the most common parasite, many pet parents believe in a variety of myths that simply aren’t true.

Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitos, so many pet owners believe that heartworm protection isn’t necessary in the winter. However, even a brief thaw in the middle of winter can produce mosquitoes that can give your dog heartworms. Keep him safe and protect him all year long.

Some people believe that heartworms can’t infect cats. Although they are more common in dogs, cats can also get heartworms. This is especially true for cats that venture outdoors. However, mosquitoes can also enter your home, putting your indoor cat at risk as well.

Because heartworms are treatable, many people don’t understand the life-threatening nature of these parasites. They can eventually block the flow of oxygen, which can kill your pet. To learn more, click here, or contact your vet Vancouver, BC.

Views: 517 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: pet are, Heartworms, Heartworms in pets | Rating: 0.0/0
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