Main » 2015 » July » 4 » Leash Walks With Your Pooch - Always Act As Alpha Leader
3:24 AM
Leash Walks With Your Pooch - Always Act As Alpha Leader

A dog should never be allowed to lead the way during leash walks. He should receive proper training to stay close by his owner’s side. When you allow your pet to take the lead even for just a short moment, he will be entertaining thoughts of assuming the pack leadership. Being the alpha leader of the pack, you should always take the lead.

A dog that is allowed to lead the way will soon develop a superiority complex, which can make him more dominant and aggressive. As you re-establish your dominance, you will have to deal with the dog’s leadership complex, which can be a challenge to deal with.

A dog that assumes the pack leadership may start to act anxious and nervous as he tries to be alert for any potential threats to the pack. He won’t be able to relax and enjoy your walks, especially if there are other dogs on your route.

Have your dog checked regularly at a Meridian, ID vet. Visit this website for more information.

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