Main » 2016 » June » 20 » Keeping your cat comfortable around guests
7:19 PM
Keeping your cat comfortable around guests

Your cat is a wonderful companion, and you love spending as much time with her as you can. The guests that enter your home want to do so as well, so make sure to take the necessary precautions to help keep your pet safe.

Talk to your guests about your pet, and make sure they understand the boundaries that you have set in place, like refraining from offering her food from their plates. This is a great opportunity to also give them pointers on what your pet likes, and how to have a positive interaction with her. Because not all people are familiar with how to interact with a cat, many will be grateful for the tips. Also, make a point to offer your pet proper supervision in case any reminders are necessary. For additional information, please contact your local Fayetteville, NC veterinarian.


Views: 461 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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