Main » 2015 » July » 30 » Is Your Pet's Food Safe?
5:47 AM
Is Your Pet's Food Safe?

With so many pet food recalls making headlines today, many pet owners are asking themselves if their pet’s food is safe and nutritionally-balanced. Here are some tips to help protect your pet form food-borne illnesses and keep him and the entire household safe.

  • Always keep yourself updated on recent recall lists. There are various websites that can be relied on when it comes to an updated pet food recall list.
  • Always check the product’s lot number. Oftentimes, the recall is applicable to a particular batch of pet food. If you see the brand your pet is eating on the recall list, don’t panic. The recall list usually shows the lot number and expiration date so you can compare these information on your pet food package. You can also go to the manufacturer’s website for more information about the disposal of the contaminated product or where to return the food.

Ask your Brooklyn Park, MN vet regarding important pet issues. You can get more information here.

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