Main » 2016 » June » 24 » Important Reasons Why Soda Is Bad For Your Dog
2:53 PM
Important Reasons Why Soda Is Bad For Your Dog

While your canine buddy would love a taste of soda, there are various reasons for preventing pets from consuming these popular products. Soda contains high amounts of sugar which can increase your pet’s risk to developing diabetes. This is especially harmful if your dog has already been diagnosed with diabetes. If your pet consumes a whole can of soda, he may end up vomiting. Soda also contains caffeine, as well as other artificial ingredients that can be harmful to dogs. It also contains too many calories that are of no nutritional value. With all the calories your dog may have consumed, he will remain hyper-energetic for hours. Some pet owners make the mistake of giving soda to their dog instead of water, a practice that should never be tolerated. A dog’s healthy is largely dependent on the nutrition that is provided by his owner. Providing adequate hydration by giving fresh clean water is still the best way to go to keep your pet health and fit. Call your Plano, TX veterinarian if you have questions about your dog’s diet. If you want to know more, click here.

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