Main » 2016 » June » 11 » Important Causes Of Depression In Pets
11:45 AM
Important Causes Of Depression In Pets

Pets get depressed, too. There are various reasons of pet depression which have been identified, but most have something to do with change or loss. Some of the most common causes of depression in pet dogs and cats include stress in the household, moving to a new home, or death of a beloved person or pet companion. Pets can also get depressed when their favorite person leaves home for college or work in another place. Also, healthy pets can become depressed if they are left home alone for many hours. This is particularly true in dogs which are pack animals and thrive with company. Pets are known to be particularly sensitive to their owners’ moods and may get upset when they notice that their owners are sad or depressed.

Depression in pets is not really very common, but being able to identify important signs of the problem can enable pet owners to take steps towards addressing the problem by taking their pets to a Glendale, AZ  veterinary hospital. See details here.

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