Main » 2015 » February » 26 » How well does my cat hear?
2:43 AM
How well does my cat hear?

Your Southside vet clinic knows that you probably have some questions about how your pet experiences the world around her. You know your cat can hear well, but what exactly does she hear?

Your pet is designed to be a perfect predator. Even in play, she exhibits traits that would help her wild ancestors find a tasty meal. This is where her acute hearing comes into play. Your cat is actually made to hear the high-pitched sounds of rodents above the hustle and bustle going on around her so she can catch them before they scurry away. In fact, she can hear sounds more than an octave and a half higher than humans can. Her ears can even move a bit to tune in on something she hears. This accounts for those times that your pet stares off, seemingly at nothing – she is listening. To read more, please visit this site.

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