Main » 2015 » May » 23 » How to Get Your Cat to Stop Begging for Food
2:21 PM
How to Get Your Cat to Stop Begging for Food

Whether you’ve fed your cat from the table in the past or he’s simply gotten a taste for human food, he may start begging for it. Here are some tips on how to get your cat to stop begging for food.

First, stop feeding your cat human food directly from the table. Instead, place special human food treats in your cat’s food bowl.

It’s also extremely helpful if you feed your cat before you sit down to dinner. If your cat is full, he is less likely to beg for food while you sit at the table.

Make sure that your cat understands that the dining table is off limits. If your cat jumps on the table, remove him and firmly tell him “no.”

If your cat is still atrocious at dinner time, consider shutting him away in a back room until your family is finished eating. For more advice, call your veterinarian Daly City, CA.

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