Main » 2016 » June » 15 » How to Exercise Your Teddy Guinea Pig
5:33 AM
How to Exercise Your Teddy Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs may be small creatures but they still need plenty of exercise to maintain good health. There are various ways you can help your Teddy guinea pig exercise right in your own home. For instance, provide your Teddy with a large cage so he has room to roam and play. Add a couple of guinea pig toys or even a ladder or tunnel to give him more ways to move. Toys with treats can help motivate him to move or walk especially if the toy is a ball or something that has to be pushed to release a treat. Some veterinarians recommend that guinea pigs like the Teddy be given at least one to two hours of free range or free roaming time a day. Make sure you have a safe area free of wires and other choking hazards set aside for your guinea pig. Ask your veterinarian Oshawa, ON about other ways to exercise your cavy. Visit this website to know more.

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