Main » 2015 » July » 10 » Horses and Stress
8:52 PM
Horses and Stress

Animals can get upset, anxious, worried, scared, and even stressed just like people. If your horse is not behaving like his usual self, give your veterinary clinic Tualatin, OR a call and schedule a check-up. Your horse may be coming down with an illness or he may just be experiencing a little stress. Stress is a typical way animals cope with changes in their routines or environments. Some horses may show signs of stress in the form of an increased heart rate, sweating, showing alarm or alertness, or even running.  Other horses may act out their stress by refusing to work. Other signs include depression or a decrease in appetite. Long term symptoms may include a steady increase in depression and a change in appetite to no appetite at all. It’s important to tell your vet about any changes in routine, environment, feeding, etc. in order to identify and treat your horse’s stress. To know more visit the website.

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