Main » 2016 » June » 3 » Food That Makes Good Cat Treats
5:07 AM
Food That Makes Good Cat Treats

You can definitely make a trip to the pet store to pick up treats for your cat, but did you know you probably have all the treats you need in your refrigerator?

Cats are carnivores, which means your feline friend will appreciate any kind of meaty treat. Give your cat a small piece of ham or a bit of bacon. Cats also like seafood. Open up a can of tuna and your kitty will definitely come running.

Although cats primarily eat meat, they also love dairy. Try giving your pet a small saucer of milk or a bit of cheese. Just keep an eye on your cat. Some animals are lactose intolerant and can’t handle dairy products.

Some cats even like potato chips, crackers, and raw potatoes! For more treat tips, click here, or call your vet Grandview, OH.

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