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4:31 AM
Exotic Pets - Short-Tailed Opossums

Short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica) are fast-becoming popular household pets. Unlike other marsupials, they don’t have a pouch where immature young stay until they are fully developed. Instead, their offspring attach to the mother’s nipple and stay there until they can wean themselves from their mother’s milk.

Pet opossums should get used to being handled while still very young. Each should be housed individually because they can easily engage in fights with other opossums. They are nocturnal creatures, sleeping most of the day away, and engage in activities at night.

They should be housed in an enclosure that can be kept locked and secured because they are expert escape artists. You can use a 15-20 gallon fish tank with a layer of corn cob shavings, a nest box, and nesting material. Putting in a hamster wheel and tree branches will encourage your pet to engage in natural behavior.

Know more about your pet’s basic needs by consulting with your Canton, MA vet. Check out more pet care tips here.

Views: 521 | Added by: Jessicap | Rating: 0.0/0
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