Main » 2015 » February » 18 » Excitement Urination in Puppies
6:22 PM
Excitement Urination in Puppies

Some puppies urinate when they are excited happy or excited about something. This behavior is often considered normal among puppies and attributed to their lack of bladder control.

When you see your puppy displaying the behavior, it is best to ignore it, since punishment can only confuse your pet. Shouting or reprimanding him will only encourage the habit, which can later on develop into submissive urination. This latter behavior is often done by a pet to try to appease the alpha leader. 

In time, your puppy will learn to control his bladder, and will stop dribbling urine when excited or happy. For the meantime, it is best to think of ways to avoid subjecting your puppy to situations where he can get overexcited. Identifying potential causes is also one way to minimize the behavior. Your patience and consistency in dealing with your puppy’s behavior will eventually give you the desired results.

Ask your San Leandro vet regarding important pet issues. You can get more information at vets san leandro ca.

Views: 455 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian san leandro ca, animal hospital san leandro ca, veterinarians san leandro ca | Rating: 0.0/0
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