Main » 2015 » May » 23 » Dog Park Etiquette
3:59 PM
Dog Park Etiquette

Taking your dog to the dog park can have many benefits. Just make sure that you understand basic dog park etiquette.

First, train your dog in all the basic commands. Your dog should be able to sit, stay, and come on your command. There’s nothing worse than an unruly dog at the dog park.

Even though dogs are allowed to wander around in the dog park off of a leash, you should always have your leash handy. That way, if something happens, you can quickly clip your dog back onto the leash for full control.

Picking up after your dog is also important. If your dog does his business, pick it up and throw it away inside a doggy bag. You should also pick up after yourself as well. Make sure all of your trash ends up in the garbage can.

For more dog park etiquette tips, call your veterinary clinic Daly City, CA.

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